sun filled world
bright days wild
dark nights
potent with
what shall be
what is
our garden is wild
with weeds
nourishing foods
potent medicines
and deeper callings allow
less time for a perfect garden
how is this helping
some deeper yearning?

wild peas grow all over this year
purple blossoms spreading
intertwining with planned plants
returning nitrogen to the soil
we are in need of this here
the soil calls for more food
to strengthen her
two weeds growing
in raucous abundance
Sow thistle leaves
are mineral rich
wonderful in salads
as they flower
our goats gorge on them
little mallow is spreading far and wide
thought it would be so nice to invite her to
a little corner
of the pumpkin patch
she didn’t stay in the corner
for long
stretching out in all directions
carpeting the soil
with her heart-shaped leaves
and delicate pink flowers
delicious in salad and
enough for herbal vinegar
she soothes our insides

more weeds
dandelion ~ wise woman plant
plantain ~ bee sting plant
lamb’s quarters ~ better than spinach
chickweed ~ in the shade of the potatoes
burdock ~ yang/wild woman plant
shephard’s purse ~ midwives plant
red dock ~ remedy for nettle sting
yellow dock ~ iron-rich liver lover
red clover ~ I planted this
butter cup ~ poison tenacious plant
self heal ~ subtle chakra teacher

this year as I look
in the mirror
of my garden
I see
the intertwining fertility
of my most alive self
abundant graciousness
of growing where I land
wisdom to hold ground
spreading green ways
all over the place
may it be in beauty

Crow's Laughter is a mystery school that teaches wise woman ways of self love and nourishment. We facilitate the exploration of inner nature and its mirror in the natural world. We do this through connection with earth and body wisdom, herbal crafting, shamanic journeying, deep listening and simple ritual.
We are delighted to offer many ways to connect with the Earth and the plants. Come join us.
Shamanic Apprenticeships
Awaken the Wise Woman!
Residential Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program of Women
Come join me and immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants.
Learn to live as a wise woman, listening deeply. Discover new perspectives on health and wellbeing and ways to offer your gifts to the world.
Teens Welcome. 9 days ~ August 10-18 ~ $700
Price includes teachings, meals, camping accomodations, many herbs for crafting and much more.
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next sessions start September 14th and January 25, 2008, we meet on Fridays.
This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. There is a spiralic nature to this apprenticeship. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions. Teens welcome.

Our Classes
Herbal Wisdom Circle
Monthly on Saturdays
July 14th ~ 10:30-2:30
Next circles ~ August 11 and September 15th
Coming in September...there will be an opportunity to sign up for 13 months of Herbal Wisdom Circles. More info coming about this soon.
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays in Seattle ~ August 1st
Come gather at the Well. Replenish, renew,
connect, reflect. Discover Wise Woman Ways and the treasured
gifts within you.
Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ July 14th ~ 6:30 pm
Reservations are required at least on day ahead. $10
Come join me in Sacred Space.
My home and land are open to you, between 6:30 and 9:30 pm. You are welcome to come anytime during this 3 hours. We will be gathering for food the first hour and then cleaning up. If you would like to eat, please come during that time.
If we are in circle with talking stick or ritual, please enter in silence and join us.
Please bring...
Any ideas, songs, stories, poetry to share. Tarot decks or other oracles with which
To imagine your future. We will co-create the space together. If ritual is desired we will create it. I will invite you into the circle with talking stick at some time in the evening.
If you desire...
Just come and connect, Listen deeply, Walk on the land.
Share with others, Do nothing,
These things are welcome.
This space is created to honor the blood mysteries,
The ancient temple of women's womb stories
Moms and girl children of all ages are welcome.
Boy children under two or breast feeding are welcome.
Pre-registration is required so please call ahead to reserve a space.
Directions will be spent upon registration.
More dates...
August 12th
September 11th
October 10th
November 9th
December 9th
Lunar Sabbats
July 29th~ Lunar Lammas
November 9th~ Lunar Samhain

Classes for Children
Herbal Wisdom Summer Mentorship for Girls
July 16-19th ~ 10-2:00 ~ $225 ~ Pre-registration is required
Girls will be learning about the healing ways of plants, through listening, herbal crafting and organic gardening.Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies.Call or email and we will send you our information and registration letter.
Awaken the Wise Woman! Apprenticeship Weekend for Girls 10-13
July 27-29th ~ $275 ~ Pre-registration is required
Includes camping accomodations, all meals and herbal crafting supplies.
Girls will be learning the way of the wise woman through herbal crafting, shamanic listening exercises and organic gardening. This program is an opportunity for girls to connect deeply with their true natures and learn to step into the world as powerful young women. Call or email and we will send you an application for this program.

Classes in Seattle and around Puget Sound
Edibles and Medicinals Plant Walk
July 18th ~ 6:30-8:30 pm
Lichton Springs Park, North Seattle
Offered through North Seattle Community College
To register visit www.learnatnorth.com
A Walk with Plant Families
Wednesday, July 25th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center
Healing Salves from Garden Herbs
Tuesday, August 14th ~ 7-9 pm
University of Washington
Medicinal Herb Garden and Women's Center
For more information call 206-685-1090

Celebrating Spirit in Community with Plants
An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
Offered through the Women of Wisdom Foundaton
For more information visit www.womenofwisdom.org/online/
Wise Woman Teachings and Shamanic Healing One to One
Julie is now available for one to one consultations which may include shamanic healing such as power animal retrieval, soul retrieval and shamanic extraction, shamanic exercises and discussions about herbs and foods that may support your well-being. We will structure our time to fit your needs. Please visit www.crowsdaughter.com/wise-woman-teachings.html
for more information about these teachings. $30-$60 sliding scale
Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods
We have been creating nourishing herbal products for over a decade.
You can shop for our hand-crafted, healing products on our website.
For information on any of these programs please Email Us and let us know you wish to be on our email list. We send out updates regularly and a beautiful seasonal newsletter.
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's DaughterNourishment~Common Herbs~Wise Woman Ways
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