rain falls
plants fall over
turning golden and brown
wishing to rejoin
mother earth
little star lady
chickweed returns
enriching autumn salads
rose hips ripen fully
brilliant red
softening to release
her seeds
mushrooms emerge
all over the place
from forest wood chips
reminding me
of the fairy realm
seeds latch onto
my clothes
steadfast in their pursuit
to continue
a beautiful lesson
to watch burdock
dark brown plant
fall effortlessly
to earth
sending off her seeds
full of new life
into the world
she does not linger
in feelings of regret
she lived fully
now dies fully
each seed head holding
a multitude of promise
I follow burdock
releasing my life
into the holy darkness
giving thanks
knowing new life will emerge
from seeds
I have sown

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offerings:
Susun Weed Weekend~Nov. 30-Dec. 2~Discovery Park in Seattle
We are thrilled to be hosting Susun Weed for this fabulous weekend.
Visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com for all the details and to register.
Early bird prices will be increase on Monday, Nov. 12th

Women and Plants~Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begins January 25, 2008
Come immerse yourself in the nourishing and healing ways of the plants. Learn to live as a wise woman, craft herbal medicines from door yard herbs. Experience ancient shamanic listening practices, connect with your sisters on this path. This is an all-inclusive, comprehensive program that spans a year and a half with 4 ~ 13 week sessions. New participants are invited to join us at the beginning of each 13~ week session, each time continuing through until they have completed 4 ~ 13 week sessions.
When you choose this work you choose to deeply nourish all of yourself. When you join us, you are called upon to craft an apprenticeship with the plants and the Earth.
Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com

Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ November 17th
November's Theme: The Earth Mysteries
Come join me as we explore the earth mysteries, the darkness and the healing arts.
Learn ways to honor the source of life, death and rebirth through shamanic exercises.
We will also explore the art of tincture making with organic alcohol and roots. $50
Includes a delicious, nourishing whole and wild food lunch and herbal crafting supplies
Register online for Herbal Wisdom Circle
This 13-month course includes 12 sessions held monthly on Saturdays,
from 10:30-2:30 and one weekend intensive in late spring.
This program is an opportunity to study the deeper teachings of the earth and plants first hand.
The cost is $675. Payment plans are available.

"The Well"~ A Study Group for Women~ 7-9 pm
North Seattle~ First Wednesdays ~ December 5, January 2, February 6
We are thrilled to offer this group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.
$30 ~ 4 consecutive months for $100.
Register on our website~ http://www.crowsdaughter.com/herbal-wisdom-circle.html

Herbal Wisdom Mentorship Days for Girls ~ Returning in 2008
Dark of the Moon Lodge ~ Returning in 2008
A Healthy Immune System ~ Seven Medicines Approach
Wednesday, November 28th ~ 7-8:30 pm ~ at our farm on Whidbey Island
Coming in 2008...
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ An online course in Shamanic Herbalism
You can participate in this course anywhere in the world.
And...more classes, plant walks and offerings in Seattle
Crow's Daughter's Earthly Goods:
We have added a page of holiday gift ideas from the Earth to our website.
We are also offering free shipping again this year to enhance your giving.
Visit http://www.crowsdaughter.com/plant-stories.html
We will be selling our products at the Langley Holiday Fair, Nov. 24th, 12-5 pm.
You can find us right behind North Star and across from Useless Bay Coffee House.
We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events.
Blessings of the New Moon and may the ancestors guide your steps
through this holy dark time of year,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
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