release into life
breathe in life
active breath
active being

I am intrigued with this seasonal time. The earth is working so hard and yet so peaceful.
This to me is active being. Everything we have dreamed of is now coming to fruition.
It is time to celebrate life and be fully present in it.
There is a shamanic exercise that faciliates this process:
- Go outside where you live to a place you love.
- Notice your breath and breathe naturally three times.
- Now breathe in with the notion that you are breathing in all of life.
- Breathe out with the notion that you are giving life with your breath.
- Continue this breath for a short time.
- Then listen to your surroundings.
- What is your experience?
- When you are done, give thanks for all of this.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering for Summer's End
and into Fall 2008:
Please visit our website www.crowsdaughter.com more details about all of the following offerings. And call or email anytime. You can also register for many of our programs using paypal.
Our Apprenticeship Program:
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
New session begins on September 12, 2008
We meet weekly on Fridays, 10:30-2:30. Once you are enrolled you will attend Four 13~week sessions over the next 16 months, coming around again the following year and repeating the session you began with. You will be walking the spiral. Gathering wise woman wisdom from all four seasons. Women only
Call or email to request apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com
Weekend Immersions:
Earth Mysteries Weekend ~ Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
November 1-2 ~ Details coming soon.
2nd Annual ~ Journey of the Rose ~ Weekend Immersion in Shamanic Herbalism
Dates to be announced in Fall 2008

Classes and Events on Whidbey Island:
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Monthly on Saturdays
August 9th, August's Theme: Plants as Teachers
This is an open circle, participate for 13 month or come when you like.
13 Months of Herbal Wisdom Circle
Begins on September 20, 2008
We meet monthly on Saturdays, 10:30-2:30. Also included in this program are 4 seasonal one to one consultations and 25% off the price on weekend immersions.
Passionate Abundance Earth Celebration on Whidbey Island
August 10th ~ Noon-4 pm ~ Free and Open to everyone ~ Children Welcome
Noon ~ Free Herbal Class ~ Listening, Gathering and Preparing Herbs
Followed by Passionate Abundance Ceremony and Community Potluck
More Earth Celebrations coming up:
Autumn Equinox ~ September 21
Honoring Our Ancestors ~ October 31
Winter Solstice ~ December 20
Dark of the Moon ~ Women Only
August 30 ~ 6:30 pm

Mentorships for Girls and Teens:
Into the Wood ~ Immersion in Green Witchery for Teen Girls
August 18-21 ~ on Whidbey Island
Herbal Wisdom Mentorships for Girls
Saturday, 10:30-2:30, October 4 and November 8
Study at Home in Your Own Garden:
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism ~ Start anytime ~ Request a sample lesson
Introductory Offer: You can now sample our 13-Month Home Study Course by
signing up for the First Month for $45.
The Well ~ A Monthly Study Group for Women ~ in North Seattle
First Wednesdays: August 6, September 3, October 1 and more
A Healthy Gut ~ Explorations in Intuitive Wellness
August 7 ~ 7-9 pm Offered through North Seattle Community College
www.learnatnorth.com to register
The Wise Woman Herbalist ~ September 15 ~ 4-8 pm ~ Missoula, Montana
To register, contact Kali Star, starconnections@hotmail.com,
406-333-2312, www.montanaconnections.com
Rooting Ourselves in Earth ~ An Exploration in Shamanic Herbalism
October 7, Dandelion Botanical Company, Seattle
Festivals and Faires, Herbal and Earth Conferences:
Seattle Tilth Organic Harvest Festival ~ September 6
I will be selling our nourishing herbal creations.
Seattle Bioneers Confernce ~ October 17-19
American Herbalist Guild Conference ~ Redmond, WA ~ October 24-26
We look forward to seeing you at some of these events.
Green Blessings,
Julie Charette Nunn, Crow's Daughter
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