A rule for participants visiting our land and farm:
Do not to pick any plants or gather anything unless you ask me first.
please honor the land
come into relationship
with plant and animal
people grab and rip grass
seeds taken
tulip petal stolen
Crazy witch?
noticing grass
between my fingers
i greet my apple tree
she shares her wisdom
voices of the land
whispers of plants
a feather
on the ground
is this something
for me?
compassionate beings
changing me
a whole world
i listen
Thanks, Christina...I wrote this poem after an emotional experience with one of my apprentices when she picked a tulip petal without asking me if the tulips were ready for picking. It seems minicule, but it really brought me into awareness of how we do things without being aware of the impact...peace, Julie
Thanks, Christina...I wrote this poem after an emotional experience with one of my apprentices when she picked a tulip petal without asking me if the tulips were ready for picking. It seems minicule, but it really brought me into awareness of how we do things without being aware of the impact...peace, Julie
Everyone is constantly interacting with ature, some as part of, some as observers , and others as co-creators....
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