This writing begins a series of essays, poems, recipes, shamanic exercises and connections to inspire our journeys to live full and rich lives of peace and possibility.
A World of Possibility
Yesterday I spent three hours planting garlic at a historic farm in Greenbank on Whidbey Island, just up the island from where I live. I volunteered to help a friend who is starting a new project there; an internship for folks to learn to create CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farms. Outside on the earth, rich soil, picking rocks, appreciating rocks, breathing in the salty sea air, raking, creating deep rich beds, listening, connecting with others who love the earth, digging small holes and dropping in organic red garlic cloves, raking to fill holes and standing to view the good hard work we had done.
Later we ate soup and homemade bread together and my friend and I looked out the kitchen window of the old restored house on the farm. We could see the field where this project is being created. Anza told me about her vision of seeing this field planted with food ~ organic vegetables ~ a world of possibilities.

I returned home to our farm and went out to feed our goats. The beech tree on the path had dropped rich, amber colored leaves. I felt nourished by this day of connections and good work. I felt nourished by the colors of fall all around me. As I walked back from the barn, I looked out over our valley and felt content to be here at this place on the earth and this place in time.

And I am so thankful.

One of my teachers told me that feeling gratitude is the opposite of feeling lack. In this precious time, this wild and powerful time, this creative time,
We cannot afford a feeling of lack.
Acknowledging our gratitude for what we have and who we are
and breathing in and out this acknowledgement
Allows the breath of possibility to come forth.
The Breath of Connection ~ The Breath of Possibility ~ Shamanic Exercise
- Go outside where you live, very close to your home.
- Notice your breath and breathe in and out three times.
- Notice the natural world around you and how it moves. A leaf, an insect, a bird...
- Choose one of these beings and move like it.
- Breathe in the teachings of this being as you do this.
- Begin to notice all of your surroundings and take hold of the notion that all things are of the earth.
- Give thanks for this experience with your breath.

Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offerings End of 2008 into 2009:
Listen to Crow's Daughter as Jamie Walters of Ivy Sea offers one of her Inspirologs.
From Anxiety to Inspiration, and the Wisdom of Nature. (the 3rd one down.)
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman.
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for November is Dandelion
November 15, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and come to multiple circles. December's Circle in on the 13th.
Seasons of Plenty ~ Full Moon Dinner and Prosperity Circle
November 12 ~ 5-9 pm
Community Potluck at 5 pm and Circle start at 6 pm~ Fee is by donation
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, start anytime, participate at home.
13 monthly lessons, 9 seasonal lessons, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.

The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ December 3, January 7
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.

Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
We will begin again in January 2009
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.
Class a A Gathering Grove
December date to be announced
Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning in 2009
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