Today the earth is very quite. I can sense her energy very near the surface of the ground. What lies within is what is potent right now. When I lived with Susun Weed about 11 years ago, she talked about the difference between life force and soul force. Our life force energy is that which impels us to survive and protect. Our soul force is not so interested in whether we live long lives, it is more interested in the quality of our lives and beckons us into deeper spaces of existence.

At this time of year, I feel that life force energy is at ground level. Consciously breathing natural breaths, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot, placing our hand on the earth, digging roots will bring stronger connection with our life force energy. This I feel can be helpful when we begin to feel overwhelmed by the business of the holidays. Connecting at ground level can actually help us touch into the energy of the holy days.
Our soul force energy is the fire that burns within us. At this time of year, contemplative practices such as meditation, journeying, soul singing, walking in the dark are all ways to connect with the inner fire that illuminates our core. Ritual at this time of year is powerful when the energy of the soul’s fire is channeled into a container for healing and manifestation.

Within, around and beneath these forces is the source, the darkness; the deep, dark holy womb of wisdom. I feel held in womb energy this year, I call it up to nurture me when I feel afraid to move forward with what I desire. I relinquish myself to it, succumbing to the darkness that surrounds me for most of the days now.
Life force protecting, soul force illuminating and holy womb nurturing us as we fall deeply into ourselves, preparing for what will come by focusing on what is now.
May it be in Beauty.
Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering for the last bit of 2008 into 2009:
Call or email for more information and to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com
Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts on our Website
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.
Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening. I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home. 13 monthly assignment with daily practice lessons, 9 seasonal assignment, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.
Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle starts January 13, 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ January 7, February 4
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.
Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
Starts January 31 ~ Fee is by donation
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.
Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~ December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.
More monthly classes in Seattle coming in 2009.
Also classes in Bellingham coming in 2009.
Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning January 24, 2009

At this time of year, I feel that life force energy is at ground level. Consciously breathing natural breaths, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot, placing our hand on the earth, digging roots will bring stronger connection with our life force energy. This I feel can be helpful when we begin to feel overwhelmed by the business of the holidays. Connecting at ground level can actually help us touch into the energy of the holy days.
Our soul force energy is the fire that burns within us. At this time of year, contemplative practices such as meditation, journeying, soul singing, walking in the dark are all ways to connect with the inner fire that illuminates our core. Ritual at this time of year is powerful when the energy of the soul’s fire is channeled into a container for healing and manifestation.

Within, around and beneath these forces is the source, the darkness; the deep, dark holy womb of wisdom. I feel held in womb energy this year, I call it up to nurture me when I feel afraid to move forward with what I desire. I relinquish myself to it, succumbing to the darkness that surrounds me for most of the days now.
Life force protecting, soul force illuminating and holy womb nurturing us as we fall deeply into ourselves, preparing for what will come by focusing on what is now.
May it be in Beauty.
Crow's Laughter Mystery School Offering for the last bit of 2008 into 2009:
Call or email for more information and to request an apprenticeship application.
360-579-2319 ~ julie@crowsdaughter.com
Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts on our Website
Women and Plants ~ Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship Program
Next session begin January 16, 2009 ~ 16 Months, Comprehensive Immersion in the shamanic herbal tradition of the Wise Woman. Call or email to request an apprenticeship application.
Herbal Wisdom Circle ~ Plant teacher for December is Cedar
December 13, 2008 ~ 10:30-2:30
Monthly open circle, come to as many as you like, discounts when you sign up
with friends and multiple circles.
Crow's Daughter's Herbal and Earth Teachings ~ Individual Sessions
I work intuitively, consulting my shamanic helpers to offer you what is needed.
Sessions are experiential. You will be connecting with your wisdom through time in nature, creative arts, and deep listening. I recommend multiple sessions to delve deep into the heart of what you desire. Available at our farm on Whidbey Island and in Seattle
The Compassionate Nature of Plants ~ 13 Month Home Study Course in Shamanic Herbalism, an opportunity to begin crafting a deeply nourishing life where you live.
Start anytime, participate at home. 13 monthly assignment with daily practice lessons, 9 seasonal assignment, phone consultations, and discounts on our other classes.
Abundant Earth ~ Prosperity Circle starts January 13, 2009
Details on our website soon. Call or email to reserve your space.
The Well ~ A Study Group for Women
First Wednesdays, 7-9 pm ~ January 7, February 4
A group for women to explore the wise woman tradition, nourishing ourselves deeply and connecting with the treasures within us.
Winter Solstice Earth Celebrations
December 20 ~ 3-6 pm
Free event ~ Everyone welcome, children are encouraged to attend
Herbal Wisdom Mentorship for Girls
Starts January 31 ~ Fee is by donation
Come explore the amazing healing way of plants ~ Learn to see through the eyes of the wise woman ~ Discover your plant ally ~ Learn to listen and talk to plants.
Enchanted Earth~The Plant Teachings of Winter,
Class a A Gathering Grove ~ December 16 ~ 7-9 pm,
Fee is by donation.
More monthly classes in Seattle coming in 2009.
Also classes in Bellingham coming in 2009.
Dark of the Moon Lodge
Returning January 24, 2009
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